Enea Operator zrealizowała największą inwestycję sieciową w swojej historii (3).jpg
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ENEA Operator completes the largest grid CAPEX investment project in its history

ENEA Operator has successfully finalised the complete redevelopment of the Morzyczyn - Drawski Młyn 110 kV high-voltage transmission line. After the redevelopment, which commenced 6 years ago, the line has a total length of 240 km and runs through 3 voivodeships (provinces), 4 poviats (counties) and 12 communes. The value of this supra-regional investment project, which significantly improves energy security and connection possibilities in the Provinces of Szczecin (West Pomerania), Gorzów Wielkopolski and Zielona Góra (Lubuskie) and Poznań (Greater Poland) in the north-west and west of Poland, exceeded PLN 127 million.

At ENEA Group, our priorities are not only energy security, but also clean air and environmental protection. With this project, we are once again contributing to the successful implementation of the country’s environmental policy by providing a new impulse to the development of renewable energy sources. The Morzyczyn - Drawski Młyn line creates new opportunities also in the context of the connection of dispersed sources and the production of green energy said Zbigniew Piętka, Vice-President for Corporate Affairs, ENEA S.A.

The just inaugurated high-voltage transmission line is the largest grid CAPEX investment project in the history of ENEA Operator. Its supra-regional character is part of a broader concept of HV grid development, connected with increasing energy security for the north-western part of Poland. The benefits of its implementation are significant. It is therefore all the more satisfying that the line investment project of such a large scale was successfully completed within the scheduled deadline. This is due to the exemplary cooperation between the contractor, the investor and local government authorities, and to the understanding of the project’s strategic importance by the majority of local communities – said Andrzej Kojro, President of ENEA Operator.

Under the project, a single-line 110 kV transmission line connecting the Morzyczyn - Stargard Wschód - Dolice - Krzęcin - Dobiegniew - Drawski Młyn substations was redeveloped into two lines consisting of cables with a cross-section of 240 sq mm and an operating temperature of +80°C. As a result of the redevelopment, the total length of the connections with high-voltage lines rose from 143 km to 240 km. For the construction of the HV line, 720 km of working cables were used and 497 transmission poles were erected.

Thanks to the redevelopment, the total load capacity of the line in summer months grew more than six-fold, from less than 40 MVA (Mega-Volt-Amperes) to almost 250 MVA. Moreover, the new transmission capacity of the line increases the possibilities of connecting renewable energy sources to the grid, while reducing losses in the distribution of electricity and offering greater opportunities for flexible grid operation. In addition, the project helped to increase the grid’s resistance to extreme weather conditions.

I would like to thank the representatives of local governments for their excellent cooperation in the implementation of our investment project. Thanks to their support, the process of obtaining local spatial development plans for the entire route of the line went very smoothly. As these plans were necessary to continue the project’s effective implementation, its timely completion is our mutual success – said Marek Szymankiewicz, Vice-President for Grid Infrastructure, ENEA Operator.

The project was executed by a consortium of Elfeko and PBE Elbud Poznań, which was selected the contract’s general contractor in the course of a public tender procedure conducted in accordance with the Public Procurement Law. The contract was completed on time and in compliance with the highest quality standards.

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