Financial data

Financial data and ratings Enea Group

Stock price









Financial results

Wybrane dane finansowe [tys.zł]
Sales revenue and other income
Net profit
Area of generation - EBITDA
Area of distribution - EBITDA
Area of trade - EBITDA
Area of mining - EBITDA
Net cash flows from operating activities
Net cash flows from investing activities
Net cash flows from financing activities
I quarter 2024 IV quarter 2023 III quarter 2023 II quarter 2023 I quarter 2023 IV quarter 2022 III quarter 2022 II quarter 2022 I quarter 2022 IV quarter 2021 III quarter 2021 II quarter 2021 I quarter 2021 IV quarter 2020 III quarter 2020 II quarter 2020 I quarter 2020 IV quarter 2019 III quarter 2019 II quarter 2019 I quarter 2019 IV quarter 2018 III quarter 2018 II quarter 2018 I quarter 2018 IV quarter 2017 III quarter 2017 II quarter 2017 I quarter 2017 IV quarter 2016 III quarter 2016 II quarter 2016 I quarter 2016
8 384 881 12 280 631 11 881 205 11 490 641 12 530 942 7 385 965 8 020 826 7 464 695 7 246 366 5 920 154 5 467 155 4 777 564 5 045 774 4 730 656 4 514 443 4 357 373 4 592 082 4 232 509 4 149 213 4 009 966 4 009 610 3 288 572 3 344 643 3 051 002 2 988 553 3 043 492 2 795 423 2 857 084 2 709 690 2 951 734 2 704 512 2 662 681 2 936 751
1 877 208 2 857 986 1 123 660 1 271 887 1 044 309 146 032 456 335 779 331 1 059 329 863 770 1 120 872 729 631 922 504 666 851 813 409 806 116 912 960 854 693 889 799 867 033 798 784 374 960 669 275 601 935 702 129 736 299 588 820 692 009 666 426 499 245 622 057 538 177 668 345
1 531 098 -470 592 702 644 112 135 611 492 -311 283 46 153 384 449 679 954 441 554 726 623 351 215 547 975 -2 629 568 394 351 -105 540 531 876 427 877 502 750 484 553 441 340 116 838 287 365 294 105 338 778 417 875 288 234 399 042 382 579 170 172 338 571 221 934 388 637
1 038 631 -1 104 933 716 459 -305 425 251 276 -787 877 45 469 313 433 547 895 454 123 596 317 329 618 406 412 -2 190 633 37 939 -540 690 459 047 -449 214 410 466 299 639 279 806 98 961 158 259 207 962 254 068 326 942 214 118 302 641 321 190 128 258 249 429 180 821 290 405
929 903 1 865 535 672 591 577 105 490 253 28 872 -391 422 52 697 620 062 561 014 386 129 288 126 367 199 321 074 336 923 399821 472 258 442 699 421 769 329 907 399 767 205 168 226 878 209 407 227 209 125 756 182 301 225 033 202 247 52 379 133 618 127 937 203 556
613 267 512 722 449 731 432 863 426 535 346 923 347 891 323 362 310 520 361 780 343 691 318 698 368 759 319 279 315 528 373 332 307 270 285 927 289 436 266 020 248 834 239 531 291 907 282 341 297 469 275 528 281 020 254 438 262 373 253 858 286 784 265 555 305 130
79 566 37 390 -138 318 70 659 419 -148 070 326 694 52 587 -86 178 -300 792 167 344 -38 075 46 985 -73 693 18 548 -70 003 7 690 5 665 - 17 858 45 736 -10 819 - 114 138 8 724 - 24 192 53 290 46 797 25 919 54 230 50 822 36 306 67 130 32 751 17 809
157 746 652 135 151 233 233 589 289 473 190 657 146 903 331 865 274 424 267 833 212 109 154 766 163 567 145 208 110 615 84929 129 385 158 799 177 647 215 065 219 416 69 871 126 300 150 269 123 280 257 915 129 834 142 965 178 269 174 722 154 166 132 574 150 317
104 723 2 246 404 5 010 803 1 163 580 -1 783 628 1 226 169 4 201 380 4 162 493 602 371 5 486 920 6 669 894 4 147 201 1 622 346 3 157 764 3 994 082 2 458 385 -85 941 -823 281 986 134 1 528 172 453 590 - 399 009 940 420 1 160 496 733 332 344 651 880 256 782 467 572 270 602 050 660 322 766 841 395 232
-709 928 -2 855 972 -1 920 454 -1 220 997 -578 003 -2 485 638 -1 782 218 -1 524 953 -923 291 -1 850 267 -1 289 680 -891 522 -476 569 -2 576 300 -1 685 343 -1 207 676 -630 180 - 545 622 - 410 217 - 832 492 - 555 963 - 493 003 - 530 859 - 730 302 -654 776 -592 328 -502 830 -1 732 991 -500 336 -597 753 -819 098 -573 393
-52 910 2 071 985 560 034 1 321 751 2 553 133 -1 330 368 -1 520 170 -1 352 313 -158 309 -1 424 654 -1 286 078 -1 001 965 -170 763 -2 401 857 -1 489 578 -1 367 369 -1 025 339 - 163 132 864 467 - 147 848 292 823 - 173 947 - 102 434 - 177 842 1 318 035 -195 157 72 146 55 166 255 476 -182 792 450 607 60 967

Please find below the list of key financial and operating data of ENEA Capital Group split into particular quarters from 2011.


ENEA S.A. holds the credit rating awarded by Fitch Ratings agency.

Click here to get detailed rating information.

Fitch Ratings
Long-term rating in domestic and foreign currency  
 Date of rating assignment
April 14, 2011
 Dates of rating confirmation
April 15, 2024
April 18, 2023
November 28, 2022
December 1, 2021
March 19, 2020
October 1, 2018
June 30, 2017
November 30, 2016
October 29, 2015
April 27, 2015
April 30, 2014
April 4, 2013
April 5, 2012"

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.