Electronic service centre in March in Enea for Customers from Poznań and Zielona Góra regions
Works relating to the launching of a new electronic Customer Service Centre in Enea (eCSC) for the region of Poznań and Zielona Góra are still in progress. The company will provide the Customers with a complete solution, enabling dealing with all matters remotely in March 2016. And the first stationary customer service centre has been operating in Poznań in a shopping mall since 19 December.
The launching of a modern eCSC application for the next group of Enea’s Customers requires additional works.
- We always offer our Customers comprehensive solutions - as with eCSC which has been operating already in the region of Szczecin and Bydgoszcz. To offer the same quality of eCSC services in the area of Poznań and Zielona Góra we have to change the date of its initiation from the beginning of 2016 to March. I apologise the Customers who wanted to use the eCSC already in January - said Krzysztof Dzierwa, the president of Enea Centrum dealing with customer service.
eCSC is an on-line platform through which all Enea’s Customers will be soon able to easily and comfortably deal with the matters related to energy and company’s services. eCSC will enable e.g. checking invoice status, balance and payment dates. Through the Internet it will be possible as well to pay the bills and contact the company. All from the level of own PC, tablet or smart phone, with no necessity to go out of home.
Introduction of new possibilities of contacting Enea is a part of a huge project of changes, which is being implemented by the company. Its goal is a significant improvement of the Customer service quality. To achieve this goal Enea had to e.g. change the IT systems and transfer safely the data of 2.5 mln people and companies at the same time. To minimise the handicaps, the changes are implemented in stages in each of the five regions, in which Enea has the most Customers.
- We are just completing the transfer of the data of over 2 million Customers from old IT systems to the new one. It results in natural handicaps at this time - hence the change in the date of opening eCSC in the region of Poznań and Zielona Góra - explained Krzysztof Dzierwa.
Pursuant to earlier plans, at the beginning of January Enea will commence the last stage of changes, i.e. transfer to the new IT system of the data of over 200 thousand Customers from the region of Gorzów Wielkopolski. It means that this group of Customers will be able to use the eCSC on-line application already in March.
Enea is modernising its network of stationary Customer service centres at the same time. On 19 December the company opened the first such point located in a shopping mall. The office in Malta Shopping Centre in Poznań is open seven days a week. Enea’s Customers may deal with all thematters while shopping or performing other everyday duties. The centre in Malta is open from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 22.00 and on Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00.
Due to the change in the date of initiating the on-line eCSC application for some Customers, Eena suspended the resignation from its customer service centres in Opalenica, Międzyzdroje, Żninie, Wałczu and Chodzież until the end of February. These centres were originally to be closed on 1 January 2016.
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