grupa enea opublikowala raport esg za 2023 rok

Enea Group publishes its ESG Report for 2023

In its latest ESG Report, published at the end of May, the Enea Group provided an account of its key sustainability-related developments and activities in 2023. The document features an overview of the enterprise’s endeavors aimed at minimizing its adverse environmental impact along with a compilation of non-financial data describing relevant environmental, social and governance activities.

In line with corresponding documents issued in previous years, the focal point of reference for the Group’s latest non-financial report is the “Development Strategy of the Enea Group until 2030 with an outlook to 2040.” The pursuit of this strategy, including through the development of renewable energy sources and the involvement in innovation activities, consistent with the goals of Poland’s energy transition, is aimed at enabling the Group to attain climate neutrality by 2050, while continuously increasing the enterprise value.

“We appreciate the environmental challenges facing the whole industry and our Group in particular. We have set ourselves an unambiguous and ambitious goal. Our intention is for the Enea Group to become a completely zero-carbon enterprise in the future,” emphasizes Grzegorz Kinelski, CEO of Enea. “Our ESG Report depicts the Group’s ongoing strive to diminish the impact of our organization’s business on the environment and presents the solutions and technologies we use to ramp up power generation from renewable energy sources, cut down on the volume of emissions, reduce the amount of waste and deploy solutions based on a circular economy approach. We also put a significant emphasis on the environmental education of both our own staff and members of the local communities in which our companies and employees do their work,” adds Grzegorz Kinelski.

We manage the Group in line with the adopted “Enea Group Climate Policy”

Among the Enea Group’s key activities in 2023 was the preparation and adoption of the “Enea Group Climate Policy,” as a document intended to complement the Group’s existing Development Strategy. The newly developed document defines the Group’s roles and responsibilities in the environmental context. It also points to the management methods and attitudes that are promoted by the Enea Group with regard to its adaptation to existing and projected climatic changes.

#TransformacjaEnei [Enea’s Transition] The investment tasks in progress support Enea’s green change

For the Enea Group, the year 2023 was marked by the picking up of momentum by RES projects. Completed capital expenditure projects stepped up the Group’s generation potential from renewable energy sources by 53 MW. As at the end of 2023, the Enea Group’s installed RES capacity already exceeded 500 MW, with significant growth potential based on projects currently in the pipeline. The Group also recorded an increase in energy output from renewable sources (up 17% y/y), which totaled nearly 2.3 TWh, with a simultaneous decrease in energy output from conventional sources (down more than 21% y/y). Only at Enea Nowa Energia, a subsidiary managing RES projects, investments in this area surpassed PLN 90 million, whereas for the whole Enea Group, including acquisitions, the corresponding figure was PLN 370 million. In the coming years, the Group will continue its commitment to capital expenditures in the development of renewable energy sources.

We disclose transparent information about the Enea Group’s environmental impact

We believe that technological progress will provide unlimited access to clean energy from safe sources. On our path towards the elimination of carbon footprint, as an enterprise seriously committed to reducing its environmental impact, Enea strives to minimize the values of relevant climate and environmental impact indicators. Among the markers measured and reported on by the Group are its carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, reduction in gaseous and particulate emissions, and management of commodities, materials and water resources.

In 2023, Enea took steps to take a comprehensive inventory and prepare an in-depth account of GHG emission data in accordance with the international GHG Protocol standard. Scope 1 (direct emissions from Enea Group sources), Scope 2 (indirect third-party emissions resulting from the production of electricity, heat, cooling and process steam purchased by the Enea Group) and selected categories of Scope 3 (other indirect emissions not covered by Scope 2) data were collected and reported on.

For 13 years now, we have been regularly disclosing Enea’s non-financial information

The Enea Group launched its CSR reporting process in 2012 when it published the “Enea Group CSR Report for 2011,” which was the first such document in the domestic industry. For 13 years, continuously, the Company has been reporting its non-financial data on an annual basis. The first ESG Report was published along with data wrapping up the year 2020.

The Enea Group’s latest ESG Report, published at the end of May, is available at: The Report presents the Group’s approach to the comprehensive management of the organization, its current internal policies, procedures and figures illustrating the effectiveness of the Group’s actions. The document also presents an overview of the initiatives carried out last year, including environmental investments and social involvement projects.



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