Current Report No.: 8/2024

Title: Changes in the composition of the ENEA S.A. Supervisory Board
Date: 2024.01.30
Report no.:  Current Report No.: 8/2024

Current Report No.: 8/2024

Date of Preparation: 30 January 2024

Issuer's Abbreviated Name: ENEA S.A.

Legal Basis: Article 56(1)(2) of the Act on Offerings - current and periodic information

Subject: Changes in the composition of the ENEA S.A. Supervisory Board

Body of the report:

The Management Board of ENEA S.A. ("Company") hereby reports that on 30 January 2024 the Extraordinary General Meeting of ENEA S.A. adopted resolutions by the power of which the following changes were made in the composition of the Company's Supervisory Board of the 11th term of office:


- Mr. Roman Stryjski,

- Mr. Paweł Marian Łącki,

- Ms. Aneta Olga Kordowska,


- Ms. Ewa Bagińska,

- Mr. Zbigniew Szymczak,

- Mr. Piotr Szymanek,

- Mr. Michał Gniatkowski,

- Ms. Monika Starecka.

Attached hereto the Company provides information on the education, qualifications and positions held previously by the aforementioned persons along with a description of their professional careers and other required information.

The remaining information will be published in a separate current report to be released after the Company has obtained all pertinent information and statements.


Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.