Current Report No.: 43/2022

Title: Additional information on the persons appointed to the ENEA S.A. Management Board
Date: 2022.24.06
Report no.:  Current Report No.: 43/2022

Current Report No.: 43/2022

Date of Preparation: 24 June 2022

Issuer's Abbreviated Name: ENEA S.A.

Subject: Additional information on the persons appointed to the ENEA S.A. Management Board

Legal Basis: Article 56(1)(2) of the Act on Offerings - current and periodic information

Body of the report:

In reference to Current Report No. 39/2022 of 14 June 2022, the ENEA S.A. Management Board hereby provides supplementary information on the persons appointed to the ENEA S.A. Management Board for the new joint term of office.

Detailed legal basis: § 5 item 5 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities [...].

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