Enea Group’s first ESG report
The Enea Group published its first ESG report, which contains a comprehensive description of the Group’s endeavors in the areas of environmental protection, social engagement and responsible management pursued in 2020. The Group’s cutting-edge website, presenting information prepared in compliance with GRI Standards, presents not only the Group’s past performance, but also its commitments for the future, including in the area of transformation towards a zero-emission enterprise.
The Enea Group’s operating model is invariably based on the equal treatment of economic, social and environmental objectives, which is why the Group’s non-financial reports published in the previous years were referred to as sustainability reports. This year’s publication is the first to appear in the form of an ESG report, as it presents information broken down into the environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance areas.
In compliance with global standards, the report contains a comprehensive description of the Enea Group’s activities, along with a presentation of the directions of its development and non-business areas that create value for stakeholders. This approach streamlines the non-financial evaluation of enterprises by market participants, including investors, analysts and independent rating agencies. In its ESG report, the Group describes its anticipated response to the challenges of energy transformation and its intended actions aimed at protecting the climate, in consideration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The data prepared and collected in the report are a source of valuable information for all stakeholders of the Group.
The report presents the Enea Group’s approach to managing specific areas, including environmental, employee and social areas, the internal policies and procedures in place, and the outcomes of its actions. Much space has been devoted in particular to two general social issues. The first one concerns activities pursued for the benefit of the public health care system and local communities in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic. Significantly, the Group’s initiatives were not confined merely to the provision of financial assistance, but included other forms of support as well, including volunteer participation. The other, equally important, issue is the Enea Group’s contribution to the fight against the climate crisis, including by conscious and consistent efforts aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the Group’s operations, chiefly through the development and generation of energy from renewable sources.
“The topics of climate are very important for us and we take a very responsible approach to our impact on the natural environment, by acting in compliance with the objectives of sustainable development. This is why we have designated the Vice-President of the Enea Management Board for Operational Matters as the person responsible for managing the Group’s climate impact and decided to create a dedicated team responsible for Enea’s transition towards a zero-emission enterprise. Through these endeavors, as a stock exchange-listed company, we keep building our value for shareholders,” says Paweł Szczeszek, President of the Enea Management Board, in the introduction to the report.
A reflection of the transparency of communication with the market and of the credibility of information contained in the ESG report is a detailed description of the risks involved in the Group’s business and of the methods applied in managing them, including an extended analysis of risks arising from the global phenomenon of climate change. It is also worth pointing out that the Enea Group’s latest non-financial report satisfies even higher accessibility standards than the reports published in previous years.
The reported data are presented in a transparent, interactive and user-friendly manner, streamlining access to the desired content. The Enea Group’s ESG report is available at: https://raportesg2020.csr.enea.pl/.
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