ENEA releases its new CSR report
ENEA Group has published its seventh CSR report. Like in previous years, out of concern for the natural environment the report is available in electronic version only. It describes the initiatives and activities undertaken in 2017, as well as presents the Group’s social, environmental and economic performance.
The ENEA CSR Report 2017 presents the Group’s operations which have a significant impact both on the Group itself and on its stakeholders. It applies the same proven standards, methodologies and good practices as the previous reports.
Amongst others, the report contains data on the Group’s pro-environmental investment, i.e. mitigating its environmental impacts, as well as disclosures on the scale and character of those impacts. It also informs about the organisation’s approach to building relations with its internal and external stakeholders in the context of non-financial risk management and sustainable shareholder value creation. Moreover, it discusses the scope and nature of the systemic changes introduced across the ENEA Group that will have a direct impact on the quality of customer service and customer satisfaction, and how effectively the Group, as the employer, builds relations with its employees.
– It is for the seventh time that we invite all our stakeholders to read the ENEA Group’s CSR report. We consistently inform our social environment, customers and employees about the most important activities undertaken by the ENEA Group which may directly affect them. This serves as proof to our concern about the quality of life of those affected by our operations, about the natural environment in the vicinity of our plants and about the national energy security – stresses Joanna Sobótka, Head of ENEA’s Corporate Social Responsibility Office.
The report covers all ENEA Group companies except for LW Bogdanka with its subsidiaries. As a listed company in its own right, Bogdanka reports its sustainability performance separately.
The ENEA CSR Report 2017 has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the latest edition of the Global Reporting Initiative: GRI Standards, Core option. Non-financial data covering all ENEA Group companies, also those not included in this report, have been reported in the Non-financial statement of ENEA Group for 2017, attached as a separate document to the Report of the Management Board on the operations of ENEA SA and ENEA Group in 2017.
For the fourth time, parallel to the publication of the Group’s CSR report for 2017, ENEA also published – in the marketing version – the ENEA Group’s Annual Report 2017, which was released at the end of March.
You can read the ENEA CSR Report 2017 on the interactive platform at: https://raportcsr2017.enea.pl
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