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Enea Operator started the newest and most modern Power Dispatch Centre which will manage the high-voltage grid in north-western Poland

The Power Dispatch Centre (PDC) is one of the most modern investments of Enea Operator. From now on, the high-voltage grid owned by the company, will be controlled from one place. Such an organisation of traffic will enable a flexible, quick and comprehensive response to the events occurring on the whole length of 110 kV grid belonging to Enea Operator.  The investment will contribute to guaranteeing the continuity of electricity supplies to Customers. The IT systems applied in PDC are based on Polish solutions.

The Power Dispatch Centre is a place concentrating the high-voltage grid traffic management. As regards Enea Operator, PDC’s duty will be managing the traffic in 110 kV grid in north-western Poland. PDC will e.g. localise and remove disruptions and failures of the high-voltage grid. Its duties include also coordination of a safe operation of high-voltage power equipment. PDC is located in Poznań, in the seat of Enea Operator.

– The Power Dispatch Centre, which we have just started, is a very modern facility. The IT solutions applied to it derive from Polish companies. The IT systems capacities as regards the management of the grid operation are comparable to, or even exceed the systems used in other countries – said Andrzej Kojro, president of Enea Operator.

PDC will be a supreme traffic unit in Enea Operator, and its tasks will also include power balancing and managing the production of generation units (Renewable Energy Sources) connected to the high- and medium-voltage grid, cooperation with the Operator of the Distribution System and other Operators of Distribution Systems, and also power services of the Distribution System Users.

– Due to such an organisation of services we will be able to control the flow of electricity in whole Enea Operator from one place. Thus, in turn, will allow for a quicker and comprehensive reaction to any disruptions in the high-voltage grid. We will be also able to plan maintenance and modernisation works more flexibly on 110 kV grid in order to guarantee the reliability of electricity supply to our Customersadded Marek Szymankiewicz, vice-president of Enea Operator for grid infrastructure.

In the new organisation of Enea Operator’s traffic services, the operation of the power equipment, apart from PDC, will be also managed by Station Dispatch Divisions (SDD) and Regional Power Dispatches (RPD) as regards the medium- and low-voltage grids. Such a structure of traffic services is the company’s response to the continuous development of the distribution network and distributed generation connected to the grid and also to the growing requirements of our Customers.

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.