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Enea and Bogdanka will build an innovative energy and raw materials group together

Bogdanka is integrating with Enea, becoming a competence centre for coal mining in the Group. Enea’s Management Board Members have discussed today this issue with Bogdanka’s employees. They have also met leaders of trade unions and went down to - 960 m to observe the coal mining process.

- Bodganka, becoming part of one of the largest concerns in Poland gained numerous potential benefits. A progressing, closer integration of LWB with Enea will enable using these chances and will allow us to jointly build an innovative energy and raw materials group - said Wiesław Piosik, vice-president of Enea for commercial affairs and member of the supervisory board of LWB during the meeting with Bogdanka's employees.

– LWB plays a significant role in our Group - it is a competence centre for coal mining – underlined Piosik.

- The integration process positively affects the financial result of our whole Group and is a chance for increasing revenue - said Mikołaj Franzkowiak, vice-president of Enea for financial affairs.

Enea Group develops in all the links of the chain of values. The coal mined in Bogdanka is transformed into electricity in Kozienice which in turn flows to sockets in households of ca. 2.5 mln Customers. The whole Group presently comprises 27 companies, in which 1.5 thou. specialists work.

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.