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Changes in the Customer service in the region of Gorzów

A modern website, on-line customer service centre and e-invoice - these are just a few of the new proposals Enea prepared for its Customers. The company completely changes the way its services are used. Here, there are some hints how to find one’s place in these changes.

Invoices with a new bank account number

The company has worked on the introduction of the new information system and modern tools of Customer Service for a dozen recent months. The most important change relates to invoices on which a new bank account number will appear for paying the energy bills. Each Customer, along with the first invoice generated by the system will receive information on the new account number. If you have any doubts, the authenticity of an invoice may be verified on the website www.enea.pl or calling the hotline at 611 111 111.

In Gorzów region, the new bank account number consists of the following sequence of digits:

AA 1240 6960 0166 DDDD DDDD DDDD

AA - control digits allotted by the bank randomly;

DDDD… - digits containing individual identification data of the Client, the first eight digits is the contractor number which is to be found in the left hand upper corner under the invoice number;

Enea will inform on the pattens of new account numbers via local media and the Internet.

- To reach the goal we set, we are conducting numerous changes in the company at the same time. They include e.g. organisational changes, within IT, relating to the dispatch of invoices and new individual numbers of customer accounts, new channels of contacting us - explains Krzysztof Dzierwa, the president of Enea Centrum dealing with Customer service. - Their implementation will significantly improve the Customer service quality - he adds.  

A new thing will be a possibility of paying Enea bills without commission in all the branches of Bank Pekao SA (individual Customers and small business) and PKO BP (business Customers).

Enhancing the quality and making the Customer service more modern is a priority for Enea. From March, most of the matters may be dealt via the Internet, without the necessity of visiting the Customer Service Centre. The company has also prepared a rich and competitive product range.

Introduction of a new IT system due to technological issues, may result in short, transient limitation in the access to Customer data and shifting sending the invoices in time.

- All those who will pay energy bills shortly, please be specially careful in the near future - says Krzysztof Dzierwa, the president. - The first invoices with the new bank account may reach you at another, later time than recently. It will however, not affect shortening the payment terms for energy. All our Customers will have the same period of time to pay the bill - adds Mr. Dzierwa.

Enea develops and makes the Customer service more modern

The first step towards developing a modern Customer service is the company’s website. It allows to find required information and also get familiar with Enea's range of products and services simply and intuitively. After the introduction of the new IT system for Customer service, Enea will make an on-line customer service (eCSC) available to Customers from Gorzów Wielkopolski and areas from March 2016. Through the centre it will possible able to check the account balance, buy codes for prepaid meters, order an e-invoice or deal with most of issues on-line, not moving from home.

We have also changed our Customer Service Centres. Already now, they are open longer two days a weeks. On Mondays and Thursdays the centres are open from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. On the remaining weekdays it is open from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. However, a visit to our offices will not be necessary in many cases, since most of the issues may be dealt with remotely.

- We want to care for the world of our Customers and guarantee a maximum comfort for them.  It is our main goal and the key reason for all the changes. Soon, each  Customer will be able to deal with each matter in Enea not even going out of home. It is enough to have a computer with access to the Internet  explains Dzierwa.

Enea is one of the leaders of the Polish energy market. It belongs to a group of the largest Polish enterprises and the strongest brands. It is an energy seller, distributor and producer which enjoys Customers' trust. It sells almost 13% and generates almost 9% of energy consumed in Poland. The company guarantees the reliability of energy supplies to citizens of the north-western part of Poland. It has almost 2.5 mln Customers who are offered favourable and personalised products.

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.