New management board of Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka
LWB's Supervisory Board recalled the existing management board and nominated a new one, for a 3 years' term. The existing head, Zbigniew Stopa, remains the president of the company, and Waldemar Bernaciak will continue to hold the position of the vice-president for trade and logistics. The new people in the four-person management board will be Jakub Stęchły, vice-president for purchases and investment and Piotr Janicki, vice-president for economic and financial affairs. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board will be Dalida Gepfert, Enea's vice-president.
- We decided to strengthen the management board of Bogdanka with outstanding managers, proved in Enea's companies. They join excellent specialists, who have managed the best Polish mine well. Knowledge and experience of all the members of the new management board will contribute to the growth in value of our whole Group – comments Dalida Gepfert, vice-president of Enea and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bogdanka.
Zbigniew Stopa is a graduate of AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. His whole professional career is related to the coal from Lublin, and he worked many years underground. He has been the president of Bogdanka since 2012.
Waldemar Bernaciak is a graduate of AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, and he has been connected with the mining sector from the beginning of his career. In 2008 he took the position of the vice-president for trade and logistics in Bogdanka and has held the position till now.
Jakub Stęchły is a graduate of the Silesian University of Technology, Polytechnic University of Milan and Stanford University. He has been the president of Enea Serwis until now and was previously connected e.g. with the energy sector. He also worked in Italy.
Piotr Janicki graduated from the University in Białystok and Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management. He is a manager with long experience in energy and heat sector. Until now, he has been the vice-president for economic and financial affairs in Enea Wytwarzanie.
During the today's, first meeting of the new Supervisory Board Dalida Gepfert was appointed the chairman, and Paweł Orlof the deputy chairman. They both are Enea's vice-presidents at the same time. Krzysztof Matan was appointed Bogdanka's Supervisory Board's secretary who represents the majority shareholder as well.
In October 2015 Bogdanka joined Enea Group which becomes a modern fuel and energy concern this way. Takeover of the controlling interest in the coal company was a result of the successful tender offer for LWB's shares. Enea is a renowned seller, distributor and producer of electricity and heat energy. Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka, on the other hand, is the most efficient mining company in Poland. Enea is the key recipient of the mine's products, and Bogdanka is the largest fuel supplier for the core coal-based sources of power generation which Enea holds in Kozienice Power Plant. The both companies are listed in the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
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