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We are testing the Wind Farm Management System

On 21 March ENEA Operator signed an agreement with PSI Produkty i Systemy Informatyczne, a company from Poznań. The agreement relates to the implementation of a trial version of the Wind Farm Management System. Its key objective is increasing the network operation safety and optimisation of use of energy from renewable sources.

PSI is a part of an international concern, PSI AG, which was established in 1969 and presently employs 1.5 thou. employees all over the world.  The concern specialises in supplying and implementing new IT solutions e.g. for the following industries: energy, automotive and logistics.

The Wind Farm Management System is an EMS class system (Energy Management System) and will be tested for a year from the implementation. WFMS is to improve the network operation safety and optimisation of use of energy from renewable sources. Such systems (EMS class) enhance the day to day work of dispatchers as well. WFMS will also enable an access to a range of functions such as e.g. calculation of a dynamic load capacity of a line, projecting generation and demand for energy, a threat analysis or gaining an optimum power distribution.

Systems based on PSI solutions are used by numerous electricity distributors in Western Europe - e.g. a German operator - E.On Netz.

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.