Current Report No.: 14/2014

Title: Notification of collective disputes with trade unions in ENEA CG's companies
Date: 2014.19.03
Report no.:  Current Report No.: 14/2014

Current Report No.: 14/2014

Date of preparation: 19.03.2014

Short name of issuer: ENEA S.A.

Subject: Notification of collective disputes with trade unions in ENEA CG's companies

Legal basis: Article 56 item 1(1) of the Act on Offerings - confidential information

Content of report:

The Board of ENEA S.A. announces that on 18 March 2014, in accordance with Article 8 of the Act on Resolving Collective Disputes of 23 May 1991, the Management Boards of the companies: ENEA S.A., ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. and ENEA Centrum Sp. z o.o. submitted notifications on emergence of a collective dispute with trade unions operating in the above entities to the District Labour Inspectorate in Poznań.

The reason for these collective disputes is in each case analogical and relates to the failure to fulfil the claims of trade unions lodged in relation to remunerations.

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.