Current report no.: 41/2009

Title: Supplementation of information on the appointment of members of the Supervisory Board of ENEA S.A. for the 7th term
Date: 2009.03.07
Report no.:  Current report no.: 41/2009

Current report no.: 41/2009

Date prepared: 03.07.2009

Short name of issuer: ENEA S.A.

Subject: Supplementation of information on the appointment of members of the Supervisory Board of ENEA S.A. for the 7th term

Legal basis: Article 56 par. 1 pt. 2 of the Act on Offerings – current and periodic information

Content of the report:

With reference to current report No. 39/2009 of 1 July 2009, pursuant to Article 5 par. 1 pt. 22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information published by issuer of securities of 19 February 2009 (the "Regulation"), the Management Board of ENEA S.A. (the "Company") hereby provides the remaining information on those persons appointed to the Supervisory Board of the Company for the 7th joint term:

1.Mr Michał Łagoda,

Mr Michał Łagoda - has a university legal education - he is an attorney (radca prawny), a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He is highly experienced as a member of the supervisory board of companies with State Treasury participation (in 1994 he completed a course for Supervisory Board candidates) and local government companies. From 1986-1993, Mr Łagoda was an attorney at Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki Poznań, then, from 1993-1999, he was Department Head at the Wielkopolska Provincial Office, and from 1999-2005 he worked as an attorney at the pre-trial jail in Poznan. He is currently an attorney for the company TP-KOM Sp. z o.o. and for Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa in Poznan. Mr Łagoda was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Michał Łagoda is not engaged in any activities whatsoever which would constitute competition against ENEA S.A., he does not participate in any competing enterprise as a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

2.Mr Wiesław Pawliotti,

Mr Wiesław Pawliotti - has a university education, having graduated in 1973 from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology with a major in power machines and equipment. He has many years of professional experience in the power industry - he has co-authored 12 scientific research papers and has implemented scientific research works in the following power stations: Adamów, Siekierki, and Dolna Odra. Numerous times, he has been a member or the chairman of the supervisory board of energy, mining and gas companies. Mr Pawliotti has been connected for many years with state administration. He worked for the Ministry of Light Industry, the Ministry of Chemical and Light Industry, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and currently, the Ministry of Economy. Mr Pawliotti was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Wiesław Pawliotti is not engaged in any activities whatsoever which would constitute competition against ENEA S.A., he does not participate in any competing enterprise as a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

3.Mr Marian Janas,

Mr Marian Janas - has a university education in economics, with doctoral studies completed at the Academy of Economics in Wroclaw, post-graduate studies in taxation at the Poznan School of Banking, and post-graduate studies in Industrial Systems Management at the Zielonogórska University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He is highly experienced professionally in managing commercial entities and in participating in the management and supervisory bodies of commercial companies. In 1997 he passed an examination for Candidates as Members of Supervisory Boards in State Treasury Companies. Mr Janas was a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Company in its 6th term.

Mr Janas is engaged in activities outside the enterprise of ENEA S.A., but these are not competing activities in relation to the Issuer. Furthermore, Mr Janas does not participate in any competing enterprise as a partner in a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

4.Mr Piotr Begier

Mr Piotr Begier - has a university education - he graduated in 1971 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Poznan University of Technology, with a major in electrical machines. He is highly experienced professionally in the power industry and is also experienced in working on the supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury participation. He has taken part in many corporate ventures in the power distribution sector, in the area of legal issues and the electrical energy market. Since 1994 he has been connected with the Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association. In 1997, Mr Begier completed an examination for Members of Supervisory Boards in State Treasury Companies. Mr Begier was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Begier is engaged in activities outside the enterprise of ENEA S.A., but these are not competing activities in relation to the Issuer. Furthermore, Mr Begier does not participate in any competing enterprise as a partner in a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

5.Mr Paweł Balcerowski,

Mr Paweł Balcerowski - has a university education - he graduated from the Faculty of Mining and Geology of Silesia University of Technology, in the Management and Production Engineering stream, with a major in Health and Safety Techniques and Organisation. He has many years of experience in the power industry - since 1981 he has been continuously connected with the power sector (Zakład Energetyczny Poznań, Energetyka Poznańska S.A., ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.). He also holds all entitlements to sit on the Supervisory Boards of State Treasury Companies.

Mr Balcerowski is not engaged in any activities whatsoever which would constitute competition against ENEA S.A., he does not participate in any competing enterprise as a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

6.Mr Mieczysław Pluciński

Mr Mieczysław Pluciński - has a secondary technical education - he is a graduate of the Mechanical and Power Technical School in Szczecin. He has completed a course entitling him to sit on the supervisory boards of State Treasury companies. He is highly experienced as a supervisory board member in State Treasury, local government and private companies - from 1999 to 2003 he was a member of the supervisory board of Zakład Energetyczny Gorzów S.A., and Chairman of the supervisory board of PEC Sp. z o.o. in Dębno. Since 2003 he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of ENEA S.A. on behalf of employees, and since July 2007, Chairman of the supervisory board of Wodociągów Sp. z o.o. in Myśliborz. He is highly knowledgeable in the operations of power companies, having spent his entire professional life in the power industry, from working as a fitter in Zespół Elektrowni Szczecin in 1972 and, from 1973, as a foreman in Zakład Energetyczny Szczecin. From July 1981 to the present, Mr Pluciński has worked as a dispatcher for the Regional Power Dispatch, initially in Zakład Energetyczny Gorzów, and currently for ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o., Gorzów Wielkopolski Distribution Branch, Dębno Distribution Region. Mr Mieczysław Pluciński was a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Pluciński is not engaged in any activities whatsoever which would constitute competition against ENEA S.A., he does not participate in any competing enterprise as a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

7. Mr Tadeusz Dachowski,

Mr Tadeusz Dachowski - has a university education - he graduated from the Faculty of Computer Science and Management of Poznan University of Technology, he holds a diploma in management from the Academy of Economics in Poznan and a bachelor's degree in power management from Poznan Trade and Commerce College. He is highly experienced in the power industry and as a member of supervisory boards in power companies. He has been connected with the power industry since 1968, and since 1978 has been the Director of the Regional Movement Dispatch in the Mogilno Power Region. He is a co-creator of the Inter-organisational Collective Labour Agreement for Employees of the Energy Industry as well as of a series of other documents concerning labour law as applied in the power industry. He has participated in the work of parliamentary committees on Polish energy and power industry restructuring programmes. Mr Dachowski was the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Dachowski is not engaged in any activities whatsoever which would constitute competition against ENEA S.A., he does not participate in any competing enterprise as a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

8. Mr Wojciech Chmielewski,

Mr Wojciech Chmielewski has a university education. He has a master's degree in Polish philology and political science from the University of Wroclaw. He also completed post-graduate studies in "Public Policy in Europe" at the University of Strasbourg III, the National School of Public Administration in Warsaw and the School of European Integration (organised by the National School of Public Administration and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration in Paris). He is highly experienced as a supervisory board member in companies with State Treasury participation. Since 2000, he has been an employee of the Ministry of the State Treasury, where he currently acts as Vice-Director in the Department of Ownership Supervision and Privatisation III. Detailed information on the positions he has held and the course of his professional work were published in current report No. 15/209 of 26 February 2009. Mr Chmielewski was a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Chmielewski is not engaged in any activities whatsoever which would constitute competition against ENEA S.A., he does not participate in any competing enterprise as a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

9. Mr Marcin Bruszewski,

Mr Marcin Bruszewski has higher education, and graduated in law from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw in 1994. In 2001, after completing his traineeship and passing the final examination, he was entered into the register of attorneys-at-law. From 1993 to 2004 he worked for the law firm Dewey Ballantine (currently operating under the name Dewey&LeBoeuf Grzesiak sp. k) in Warsaw as a paralegal, junior associate, associate and senior associate, specialising in M&A and energy projects. Since September 2004 he has been head of the Legal Department of the Vattenfall group in Poland.

Nominated by Vattenfall AB, Mr Marcin Bruszewski currently sits on the supervisory boards of companies belonging to the Vattenfall group in Poland, including Vattenfall Heat Poland S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw and Vattenfall Distribution Poland S.A. with its registered office in Gliwice.

Mr Marcin Bruszewski is a member of the District Chamber of Attorneys-at-law in Warsaw.

Mr Marcin Bruszewski is also a member of the Association of Energy Trading (Towarzystwo Obrotu Energią) in Warsaw and the Polish Wind Energy Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Energetyki Wiatrowej) with its registered office in Szczecin.

In addition, Mr Marcin Bruszewski was a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Bruszewski participates, as a member of the corporate bodies of the above mentioned companies, which are competing companies in relation to ENEA S.A. Aside from the above cited cases, Mr Burszewski does not participate in any competing enterprise as a partner in a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

10. Mr Graham Wood,

Mr Graham Wood has worked for 37 years in the European Electricity and Gas industry, in generation, retail and distribution/transmission, in both the public and private sectors. He worked with the team responsible for the privatisation of the UK electricity sector and through his senior finance positions has wide international experience in Europe, the USA, the Far East and Australia.

Most recently (2002-2007) he was Head of Corporate Finance for E.ON AG, based at HQ in Dusseldorf. E.ON was the largest company in Germany by Market capital. Mr Graham Wood was responsible for group-wide financing, including major corporate financial transactions in Europe and the USA, balance sheet strategy, and various significant equity and debt capital market financings.

Previously, he was Group Treasurer, Powergen plc, based in London. Powergen was a FTSE 50 energy company whose major transactions included acquisitions in the US and UK, and extensive structured financing for projects in emerging markets in Eastern Europe, India, the Far East and Australia.

Board Positions

Current :

Member, Supervisory Board, ENEA, Board Member, West Herts College, UK

Previous : Chairman, Supervisory Board, EON International Finance bv (Rotterdam) NED, EON UK Holding Co. Ltd.; NED, EON UK Finance Ltd., Chairman, Fidelia Corporation, Delaware, USA; Chairman, EON North America, New York USA; Board member of approx 20 EON subsidiaries, and earlier, Board member various Powergen Subsidiaries.


Mr Graham Wood was educated at Manchester Grammar School, and Reading University (B.A. Hons. Economics).

Professional Qualifications :

Fellow, Chartered Association of Certified accountants

Fellow, Association of Corporate Treasurers

Mr Graham Wood was a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Company during its 6th term.

Mr Wood is engaged solely in above-mentioned activities outside the enterprise of ENEA S.A., but these are not competing activities in relation to the Issuer. Irrespective of the above, Mr Wood does not participate in any competing enterprise as a partner in a civil law partnership or any other form of partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a limited company, nor does he participate in any other competing legal person as a member of any of its corporate bodies.

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.