Current Report No.: 31/2024

Title: List of shareholders with 5% or more votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of ENEA S.A.
Date: 2024.26.07
Report no.:  Current Report No.: 31/2024

Current Report No.: 31/2024

Date of Preparation: 26 July 2024

Issuer's Abbreviated Name: ENEA S.A.

Legal Basis: Article 70(3) of the Act on Offerings - list of shareholders with more than 5% of votes at the General Meeting

Subject: List of shareholders with 5% or more votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of ENEA S.A.

Body of the report:

The Management Board of ENEA S.A. ("Company") hereby reports that the following shareholders held 5% or more votes at the Company's Ordinary General Meeting ("OGM") convened for 24 June 2024 that was continued on 23 July 2024 after the adjournment:

- State Treasury, which at the OGM held 277,015,422 ENEA S.A. shares, to which 277,015,422 votes were attached, accounting for, respectively, 69.55% of all votes during the 1st part of the OGM, and 69.57% of all votes during the 2nd part of the OGM, and which represented 52.29% of all votes in the Company;

- Allianz Polska Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny, which at the OGM held 26,268,572 ENEA S.A. shares, to which 26,268,572 votes were attached, accounting for, respectively, 6.60% of all votes during the 1st part of the OGM, and 6.60% of all votes during the 2nd part of the OGM, and which represented 4.96% of all votes in the Company;

- Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny, which at the OGM held 26,320,000 ENEA S.A. shares, to which 26,320,000 votes were attached, accounting for, respectively, 6.61% of all votes during the 1st part of the OGM, and 6.61% of all votes during the 2nd part of the OGM, and which represented 4.97% of all votes in the Company;

- Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU "Złota Jesień", which at the OGM held 25,865,988 ENEA S.A. shares, to which 25,865,988 votes were attached, accounting for, respectively, 6.49% of all votes during the 1st part of the OGM, and 6.50% of all votes during the 2nd part of the OGM, and which represented 4.88% of all votes in the Company.


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