Current Report No.: 30/2024

Title: Wording of resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of ENEA S.A. after the meeting recommenced on 23 July 2024
Date: 2024.23.07
Report no.:  Current Report No.: 30/2024

Current Report No.: 30/2024

Date of Preparation: 23 July 2024

Issuer's Abbreviated Name: ENEA S.A.

Legal Basis: Article 56(1)(2) of the Act on Offerings - current and periodic information

Subject: Wording of resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of ENEA S.A. after the meeting recommenced on 23 July 2024

Body of the report:

The Management Board of ENEA S.A. ("Company") hereby provides the wording of the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting ("OGM") of ENEA S.A. convened for 24 June 2024, which, after adjournment, recommenced on 23 July 2024.

At the same time, the Company hereby reports that, after the recommencement, the OGM did not choose to omit consideration of any item on the agenda and no objections were raised regarding the minutes. The Company also reports that during the OGM, draft Resolution No. 9 was put to a vote but was not adopted.


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