Current Report No.: 6/2017
Current Report No.: 6/2017
Date of preparation: 13.02.2017
Short name of issuer: Enea S.A.
Subject: Notice on increasing the share of the funds managed by TFI PZU SA above 10% in the total number of Enea S.A.'s shares
Legal basis: Article 70 item 1 of the Act on Offerings - acquisition or disposal of a substantial block of shares
Content of report:
The Management Board of Enea S.A. ("Company") informs that on 13 February 2017 the Company received the notice from Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych PZU SA reading as follows:
"Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych PZU SA ("TFI PZU SA") seated in Warsaw, acting on behalf and for the account of the investment funds it manages, i.e.:
1. PZU Fundusz Inwestycyjny Otwarty Parasolowy,
2. PZU Specjalistyczny Fundusz Inwestycyjny Otwarty Globalnych Inwestycji,
3. PZU Specjalistyczny Fundusz Inwestycyjny Otwarty Universum,
4. PZU Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty Akcji Focus,
5. PZU Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty Dynamiczny,
("TFI PZU Funds"), pursuant to Article 69 item 1(1) and Article 87 item 1(2a) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offering and conditions of introducing financial instruments into an organised system of trading and on public companies (J.L. of 2013, item 1382, as amended) (further on: "Act on Offerings") hereby informs that as a result the settlement on 10 February 2017 of the acquisition of 509,354 (say: five hundred and nine thousand three hundred fifty-four) shares of ENEA SA ("Company"), performed on 8 February 2017 within ordinary transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the share of TFI PZU Funds in the total number of votes at the Company's general meeting exceeded the threshold of 10%, i.e.:
Number of shares held before the share change: 44,122,494
% share in the Company's share capital: 9.9951%
Number of votes from shares: 44,122,494
% share in the total number of votes: 9.9951%
Number of shares held after the change: 44,631,848
% share in the Company's share capital: 10.1105%
Number of votes from shares: 44,631,848
% share in the total number of votes: 10.1105%.
Additionally, TFI PZU SA informs that:
- TFI PZU Funds do not have subsidiaries holding the Company's shares;
- TFI PZU Funds do not have financial instruments mentioned in Article 69b of the Act on Offerings, related to the company's shares
- TFI PZU SA as a managing entity may, on behalf of TFI PZU Funds exercise the voting right at the Company's general meeting."