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Enea advices how not to be deceived

A modern website, on-line customer service centre and e-invoice - these are just a few of the new proposals Enea prepared for its Customers. The company completely changes the way its services are used. We advice how to find oneself in these changes and not be deceived by cheater sending false energy invoices.

Invoices with a new bank account number

The company has worked on the introduction of the new information system and modern tools of Customer Service for a dozen recent months. The most important change relates to invoices on which a new bank account number will appear for paying the energy bills. Each Customer, along with the first invoice generated by the system will receive information on the new account number. On any doubts, not to let being deceived by those who use the fact of this change, the authenticity of the document may be checked at www.enea.pl on the hot line number 611 111 111.

In Bydgoszcz area the new bank account number consists of the following sequence of digits:

AA 1240 6960 0165 DDDD DDDD DDDD

AA - control digits allotted by the bank randomly;

DDDD… - digits containing individual identification data of the Client, the first eight digits is the contractor number which is to be found in the left hand upper corner under the invoice number;

Enea will inform on the pattens of new account numbers via local media and the Internet.

- All those who will pay energy bills shortly, please be especially careful in the near future. Unfortunately, cheaters appear, who try to use the introduced changes and obtain your money by false pretences. If you receive information on an account change in Enea, please compare it with the pattern we published. On any doubts, please call us - says the Director of the Customer Service Department in Enea, Michał Mierzwa.

A new thing will be a possibility of paying Enea bills without any commission in all the branches of Pekao SA (individual Customers and small business) and PKO BP (business Customers).

Enhancing the quality and making the Customer service more modern is a priority for Enea. Soon, most of the matters may be dealt via the Internet, without a necessity of visiting the Customer Service Centre. The company has also prepared a rich competitive product range, and multimillion investments in the infrastructure performed on a wide scale enhance the energy security of citizens and positively affect the development of Bydgoszcz and its vicinity.

The introduction of a new IT system due to technological issues, may result in short, transient limitations in the access to Customer data and shifting sending the invoices in time.

Enea develops and makes the Customer service more modern

The first step towards the modern Customer service is a new website launched at the end of March. It allows to find required information and also get familiar with the company's range of products and services simply and intuitively. After the introduction of the new IT system for Customer service, Enea will make an on-line customer service (eCSC) to Customers from Bydgoszcz and areas from 1 September. Customers will be able to check their account balance, buy codes for prepaid meters, order an e-invoice or deal with most of issues on-line, not moving from their homes.

Customer Service Centre also changes. Already now, twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays it is open longer, from 8.00 to 17.00. On the remaining weekdays it is open from 8.00 to 16.00. The centre at Warmińskiego street is being renovated and the office is being completely changed into a modern, functional and comfortable place. However, a visit to it will not be necessary in many cases, since most of the issues may be dealt with remotely.

- We want to care for the world of our Customers and guarantee a maximum comfort for them. It is our main goal and the key reason for all the changes. Soon, each Customer will be able to deal with each matter in Enea not even going out of home. A computer, tablet and ... own home couch or desktable will suffice - explains Mierzwa.

Having in mind the diverse and international nature of Enea SA's shareholding, and also the provisions of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies, Enea SA guarantees the availability of its website also in English. In case of any interpretation doubts and discrepancies between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.